MidTerm Project
October 22, 2005
I am doing a midterm project with Karl Channell who is also a roommate of me. We are going to build a simple ball game in processing which uses a camera with a motion tracking system on the Z-axis. Briefly, the game is going to be the bouncing of the ball back and forth. The tricky part is going to be angles if we are thinking to create one, and also it should be really precise in order not to miss the ball.
Beside this, on Thursday we went to the presentation of Zachary Lieberman who is an instructor at Parsons School. He showed some of his works which he has done with Golan Levin,they were really awesome. Most of them were based on motion and sound detection /recognition systems. I read Levin’s article tonight which was intuitive as well. Check it out if you have time.
Basically I have found those sources pretty inspiritional and thinking we can make something out of those for ICM.