ilteris kaplan blog


October 26, 2005


We have been working on this with David for the last week day and the night. We built our own homemade switches, built a nice layout for the LEDs, wire up at least 100 wires to the board and tried to code it. Well it is working %20 percent is all I can say for tomorrow, I am still satisfied and want to finish this though. It was just not enough time literally. The current board has two chips one of which is a shift register basically try to run the LEDs as outputs.


According to other people’s experiences shift registers look not a bright solution at all, actually since starting of this project I can say I understand better now what in Tom’s book on the Chapter 14. It has been a great experience for me, I did take my lesson not to joke with LEDs more than 5 at first hand don’t try to mass product 25 custom switches it can take longer than you think, too much soldering causes temporary blindness.



Written by Ilteris Kaplan who still lives and works in New York. Twitter